Berry.liu (瑛子) 作为国际资深媒体人、杂志专栏作家、主流媒体文化副刊主编,长期关注中国和国际当代艺术发展生存状态,并参与了许多大型和有影响力的展览和艺术界活动,同时做为艺术评论家和策展人多次受邀参与策划了国际艺术界的重要活动与展览。
2016--2017年,瑛子连续策展了两届颇具影响力的国际当代艺术展和几个艺术家个展;其中《The 2nd annual borderless 无边界当代艺术展》,精选中美两国优秀艺术家参展,推出了一批旅美华裔艺术家和美国本土艺术家的当代艺术佳作,展览获得巨大成功。对优秀的中美艺术家的发掘,推广,起到了强有力的”推手”作用,也对中美两国之间的文化艺术交流起到了实质性的宣传与交融作用。
About Curator:
Berry Liu is an art critic, curator and prominent journalist. As an international senior journalist, journalism and magazine columnist and a chief editor, Liu frequently observes the development of Chinese and international modern art. Liu has participated many influential art shows and galleries. As an art critic and curator, Liu receives invitations to participate and host international modern art
events and galleries. In 2010, Liu immigranted from China to California. Now, Liu continues her career in writing, art critiquing and curating. Liu also maintains cooperative, and welcomed relationships with international artists and authors. Due to her unique perspective on the world, Liu is able to redefine the experience of a Chinese immigrants and represent Chinese artists residing in the U.S. Liu’s columns on modern art are internationally recognized, one being “Story of TwoCities.”