
看丹麦艺术,去三宝蓬 2018-08-08

丹麦艺术家Lars Ravn 相信——视觉艺术包含了知识的种子 “我仍然认为,艺术有可能作为一种工具,不仅可以帮助我们理解和了解自然科学和社会科学,也促进我们获得周围世界的知识。艺术可以揭示现实生活中言语无法描述的各个方面。兔子在很大程度上秉承叙事和象征风格,并在其中注入了幽默、诗意和幻想元素。”(摘自1)

The Denish artist Lars Ravn believes that visual art contain the seed of knowledge。 “I think art is not only enable us to understand the science and society better,also help us to aquire the knowledge of the world。The art can reveal the unspeakable sides of reality。In some degree,the rabbit is a symbolism,which represents humor,poetry and illusion。”




“我叫劳尔斯”丹麦艺术展,是KINGS 北欧中心2017北欧艺术推广计划中的重要展览,丹麦艺术家劳尔斯/ Lars 将亲临展览现场,是了解北欧艺术、北欧文化和北欧人的一次绝好机会。

The Denish art exhibition, “This is Lars”,is an important exhibition of 2017 KINGS Scandinavia Center Art Festival。Lars,the artist will be present the opening ceremony。It will be an wonderful opportunity to learn Nordic art and culture。

▲ 支持和平的兔子

   (54x76cm  胶印版画  2011)



About the artist






从1980 年起活跃于丹麦的艺术圈


Lars Ravn

 Famous Danish artist


Active on the Danish art scene since 1980

The chairman of Corner Artist Association

艺术家Lars Ravn 在成都、哥本哈根、锡尔克堡等国内外众多城市的艺术机构举办过个展及群展。

Lars Ravn has host solo and group exhibition in Chengdu,Copenhagen,Silkeborg and other cities

Lars 获得卡伊·尼尔森奖学金(Kai Nielsen 加拿大著名哲学家)资助,丹麦艺术基金会津贴、锡尔克堡 HOF 文化奖等奖学金。Lars 的作品在丹麦和国外的许多美术馆都有收藏和展出,其中包括丹麦国家美术馆、瑞典斯德哥尔摩当代美术馆、集美大学艺术收藏协会等。

Lars Ravn has received grants from Kai Nielsen Memorial Scholarship,Ebba Celinders Scholarship,Heerup scholarship,Silkeborg legatet HOF's cultural prize and several grants from the Danish Arts  Foundation。His productions has been collected by Danish and foreign art museums,including the National Gallery of Denmark,Aros Museum Jorn, Vejle Art Museum,Trapholt,Moderna Museet,Stockholm,Sweden and Jimei University Art Collection。


▲ 飞虫

   (42x30cm  混合媒体  2012)



About creative ideas



 ——Lars Ravn(拉尔斯·兰)

Paint as you like,and die happy。

 — Lars Ravn (拉尔斯·兰)


Lars认为他的艺术创作不是个人活动,而是对话。从1982年开始,Lars 的绘画世界里有了一个有时快乐,有时悲伤的兔子,他用令人吃惊的元素和富有反叛性但又惹人喜爱的兔子将我们带入一个奇妙的图画世界,将我们无视的世界直观地呈现在我们眼前。它们高举艺术的旗帜,抗议不公正的行为。(摘自2)

Lars thinks his artistic creation is rather a dialogue than a monologue。Since 1982,a rabbit has been in Lars’ picture,sometimes it is happy,sometimes it is sad。He brings us to a wonderful picture world with those amazing elements and the rebel and adorable rabbit which has been ignored by us for long time。

▲ 2016 丙烯系列 04

 (44x32cm  胶印版画  2016)


毕业于丹麦皇家美术学院的Lars,从事艺术创作已有35年,迄今共创作数千件样貌丰富的当代艺术作品,包括1700件绘画。Lars 一直用开放和有趣的方式对待生活和艺术,保持真率和愉悦,自由自在。(摘自3)

Lars Ravn graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,he has practiced art for 35years。For now he has thousands of art works,which including 1700 paintings。Lars has always been open and fun with life and art。

Lars 说“只有如你所愿去画,才能幸福地死去”。在他的作品里可以看到极其丰富的内心世界与创意。拉尔斯不在是客观地反映现实世界,他的世界里有丰富的大自然,有鲜花、有野草和精灵的微观世界。拉尔斯把多样化的非传统的艺术创作理念,表现在他对材料的运用之中。(摘自4)

“Only drawing as you wish, then you can pass away happily。”Lars says that。From his art productions we can see his sensitive inner world and artistic concept。Lars does not only reveal the reality,but also the flowers and grass from the nature and spirited micro-world。Lars expresses his various and untraditional artistic concept by various art materials。



 (109x104cm  石版画  1996)



Extended reading:Connor Artists Association



The artist association Corner was founded in 1932 and is today the second largest artist association in Denmark。The Corner consists of 49 members,who work with painting,sculpture,photography,film,music and drawing。


Wangtong,a member of the Corner,a Chinese Swede says,‘it is not easy to gain membership from the Corner,it has to be granted by all 10 judges。 The artist does not only have the expertise,but also have a distinguishing artistic concept and artistic attitude。Therefore all the members of the Corner are the best artists, they are represeting the Nordic art。’
