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Bluerider ART

时间: 2016-10-03   

Bluerider ART 這個名字源於二十世紀初藝術家Wassily Kandinsky, Kandinsky在1911年與一群藝術家共組了Bluerider 藝術團體,成員之間的藝術風格和目標雖然不盡相同,但卻擁有共通的信念,也就是透過藝術表達精神與靈魂的真實。我們引用了Bluerider 這個名稱,以此紀念這位偉大的藝術家兼教育者,並作為引領我們透過藝術覓得生命真實的道路指標。

When I retired from the Computer Industry after devoting 25 years of my life, and decided to pursue my dreams of being an artist. I was hoping that it would be a relief from a fast changing world to an eternal one. Little did I know that it was such a huge impact in transition between the two worlds.

Along the journey of learning, reading and creating in Fine Art photography, I gradually realized that the deeper I was dedicated, the bigger the enormous black hole has grown in my mind. Tons of questions towards truth of art and spirit of artist emerged, and mostly without certain answers. In order to pursue answers, I went on an intensive one-month museum journey across America from West to East.

The picture of the day when I ?rst saw Wassily Kandinsky's abstract painting was imprinted in my mind forever. I was overwhelmed and shivering from head to toes. For that moment, I was frozen and could not take my eyes off the painting. My eyes watered when I recalled his writing about the lonely artist standing on top of a triangle. I was standing there as if he was mentoring me on site. My questions ?ew away and my mind became clear. Even after 100 years, the great artist and educator is still guiding people who have lost their way.

"The Blue Rider" was founded by Wassily Kandinsky with a group of artists in 1911. "... within the group, artistic approaches and aims varied from artist to artist, however, the artists shared a common desire to express spiritual truths through their art..". The group was disrupted by the outbreak of World War I in 1914.

Our name "Bluerider" originated in the memory of this great artist and educator, and will always remind us to follow his path of ?nding the truth behind the spirit of art.

Elsa Wang, Founder





NONOTAK studio



Gallery Ren’ai

Tuesday - Saturday
9:00am - 6:00pm
9F., No.25-1, Sec. 4, Ren’ai Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
T:+886 2 2752 2238
F:+886 2 2752 2219
10F., No.25-1, Sec. 4, Ren’ai Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan





